VoixLink AddressBook version 2.0 is the first Micromango's freeware product. VoixLink AddressBook offers an easiEST to learn, use and navigate addressbook software. It is an easy to learn and intuitive interface. VoixLink AddressBook is perfect for individuals, businesses, medical & dental clinics, trucking companies, dispatchers, brokers, employment and travel agencies, hotels, veterinarians and any other organization where repetitive phone calling and record-keeping are essential.
VoixLink's dual view navigation system allows you to easily search, sort or filter your contacts information using any data field (ex. last name, first name, organization). First, use the Spreadsheet-like navigation view to find a record. Then, switch to the second view, a record view, to isolate contact's information. The record view provides email and internet features to send emails or launch contact's website from VoixLink. Here are some other features;
Birthday Reminder
Classify your contacts by groups; vendors, manufacturers, personal, consultants, etc.
Fields with auto complete feature speeds up data entry
Fast record sorting by last name, first name, organization, etc. in ascending or descending alphabetical order
Intuitive and handy interface
Print Reports
Short report by sorted last name
Short report by Company
Short report by group